Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The excitement of the unknown

Not going to beat around the preverbial bush, I went to see a physcic medium yesterday and It was such a mental experience that it deserved a whole post about it.
Firstly, I had never done anything like this before but its always been something I've wanted to do. Im very much into ghosts and angels and paranormal things like that, things that cant be explained. I've also, always been a massive fan of Derren Brown and been to see him, but I supose I have wanted to know the answer to one question for quite some time: is it all real?
Of-course there will be fakes and phonies (did I just say phonies LOL) but I did my research and found this guy who looked reputable and I stalked him on good old facebook for a few days before I commited to making an appointment :D I didnt go alone incase you wondered, Im not that brave, my trusty friend Laura accompained me and decided to have a reading for herself too.
We were both nervous beforehand and I didnt really know what to expect. Was he going to say embarassing things? What if he didnt get anything right? I completly shit myself when I walked into the room and sat down and one of the first things he said was 'wow, something has just shot into the room for you'. I mean you would, wouldnt you?! But he quickly picked up on the fact the year had not started well for me and from then on he was pretty much spot on. All I did was say yes or no but this guy mananged to get family members named, he described my past relationships also connected with my grandpa and knew things about his personality that even I did not know! Though I supose the most freaky thing was when he mentioned my dog George, and even now when I think about it I get shivers. Apparently my grandpa likes George which is a nice comfort to have, its just amazing how he could have known this. After Laura's reading too, she told me he mentioned things about her past relationships that was correct and he picked up on an injury she had. He said so much awesome stuff, Im trying hard not to forget it, would have been great to film it though I never thought of that! Something he did say which made me think, was that I would be great working with people with mental health disabilites which I have never thought of or considered before. His words were 'your holding yourself back' which I can agree with, so do I take his advice? Im in the position to change my life around now, so its something to seriously think about. However, I will say anybody considering going to a medium, definatly do it. Its worth the feeling afterwards you get and if you make sure beforehand they are genuine, I dont see any harm in giving it a go :) thats all for today xxxx aah resisting the temptation to type 'folks' :P

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